Lomza, Poland

My first research destination in Poland was Łomza. My paternal grandmother was born in a small village nearby and I had already found records for both of her parents’ families before my trip. While researching at the archive and visiting those small towns, I stayed in the city for a few days.

Łomza is a small city that closes even earlier than Salt Lake City. One evening, inquiring about where I can go for food, I was told that only McDonald’s was open; I think it was around 4pm. I did discover online that there were two 24 hour gas stations near to McD’s. I never did try to find them, but I recall driving past them on my way out of town.

My visit to the city was over two days. The first day, it was raining and I just walked from my hotel to some nearby locations. The second was when I was returning from visiting the small villages and I drove a bit farther away.

For more information:

The URL for this post is http://idogenealogy.com/blog/2012/08/30/lomza/.
All photos and content Copyright 2012 by Banai Lynn Feldstein.

4 thoughts on “Lomza, Poland”

  1. Like you, my paternal grandfather was born near Lomza in 1881. I would dearly like to get more information about his family. He was named Abraham Glass. He married a Welsh woman in UK in 1903

    1. I don’t see anyone with that name in the gubernia in JRI-Poland. Maybe it got shortened when he went to the UK?

  2. Thank you so much for posting these photos and sharing Lomza information. My grandfather came from Lomza (CORNICK/KORNIKS) and my grandmother came from Zambrow (DANZIGER/GRYNBERG/BURSZTYN/SARNIEWICZ).

    I was wondering if you might know of any good sources for Lomza and/or Zambrow information where I might learn more about both the community – and possibly my family?

    I’ve been working on my family tree for a few years so I have searched JRI Poland, Jewish Gen, Blood & Frogs and know of the Yizkor books. But I am wondering if I am missing some of the lesser-known resources out there. I have had, sadly, very very little success so far. I have one or two documents in Polish (or Russian – I am not sure) that I would love to have translated. If you know of a translator, I’d love a recommendation for that as well.

    Thank you so much for your time,


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