My first research destination in Poland was Łomza. My paternal grandmother was born in a small village nearby and I had already found records for both of her parents’ families before my trip. While researching at the archive and visiting those small towns, I stayed in the city for a few days.
Łomza is a small city that closes even earlier than Salt Lake City. One evening, inquiring about where I can go for food, I was told that only McDonald’s was open; I think it was around 4pm. I did discover online that there were two 24 hour gas stations near to McD’s. I never did try to find them, but I recall driving past them on my way out of town.
My visit to the city was over two days. The first day, it was raining and I just walked from my hotel to some nearby locations. The second was when I was returning from visiting the small villages and I drove a bit farther away.
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All photos and content Copyright 2012 by Banai Lynn Feldstein.
Like you, my paternal grandfather was born near Lomza in 1881. I would dearly like to get more information about his family. He was named Abraham Glass. He married a Welsh woman in UK in 1903
I don’t see anyone with that name in the gubernia in JRI-Poland. Maybe it got shortened when he went to the UK?
Levy family left lomza 1891. Scary place treblinka right next door…horrible
Thank you so much for posting these photos and sharing Lomza information. My grandfather came from Lomza (CORNICK/KORNIKS) and my grandmother came from Zambrow (DANZIGER/GRYNBERG/BURSZTYN/SARNIEWICZ).
I was wondering if you might know of any good sources for Lomza and/or Zambrow information where I might learn more about both the community – and possibly my family?
I’ve been working on my family tree for a few years so I have searched JRI Poland, Jewish Gen, Blood & Frogs and know of the Yizkor books. But I am wondering if I am missing some of the lesser-known resources out there. I have had, sadly, very very little success so far. I have one or two documents in Polish (or Russian – I am not sure) that I would love to have translated. If you know of a translator, I’d love a recommendation for that as well.
Thank you so much for your time,