Whoops, I forgot to do this post. OK, a few days late, and it may include March work.
1. I finally applied for my passport. I should have it early April. I’ve been trying to get one for a few years, beginning before the price went up. I never quite made it until now. The first step to going to Europe is being allowed to legally leave and enter each country, including my own.
2. As I recall, I did a lot of document organizing at the beginning of February, possibly coming off of a ScanFest. I also scanned another batch of records at the FHL, to replace the old paper copies with newer scans rather than scanning the paper copies. I also organized my photos. Again. This time in Picasa. I’m hoping I can integrate that with my program somehow, or at least extract some of the information.
3. No pictures up on the family web site yet, still, but more organized (again) in Picasa. I’ll get there someday.
4. I think I’ve blogged more. My photo site was horribly orphaned last month with posts few and far between, and March isn’t off to a very good start either. I have two WDYTYA Nitpicker Guides that are in first draft notes and a few others in draft mode. And one day, I even put out two blog posts.
5. I’ve been much better with emails. Except for a recent slight onslaught, I’ve kept around 30 emails at most in my inbox. I’m still under 40 and some are new today, so they’re not procrastinated yet.
6. This one’s not as good, since I haven’t invoiced anyone in a while. And I haven’t followed up on the non-paid invoices.
7. I signed up as a blog ambassador for the 1940 census and blogged about it a couple times. I’m going to download the software and try it out in advance of indexing in April. So the goal of indexing more might not get hit in March except for the practice.
I’ve also been designing a new genealogy program in my head. Each time, I now ask on Google+. The first idea had already been done, but was so utterly UK-centric that it was unusable for me. My newer idea uses Picasa as an idea, or uses the data, or combines it with the first idea. I’m not really sure yet. But when I figure it out, I think it will be great.