I am currently midway into packing for the IAJGS conference in Boston. The past month has been hectic with client work and preparing for my lecture, which will be Wednesday morning and broadcast as part of IAJGS Conference LIVE!
But all this means that I have fallen quite a bit behind with my client research and my blogging. Sadly, WDYTYA has just started up a new season. I desperately wanted to finish all the previous season Nitpicker’s Versions, but had no time. I wrote the blog post for the Kelly Clarkson episode, but broke a rule and must edit. (I did research. That can put me into a vicious cycle of researching what did not air on the show and keep me busy for weeks.) Perhaps I will get that edited and posted while I am in Boston, but other episodes will not get done until I return home from the conference. This means I am already falling behind this season.
I do plan to blog from the conference, so my readers can look forward to that. As I did in Europe, I will only be bringing my Androids. Unlike Europe, I should have a working keyboard so typing is easier.
My ride will be here in three hours to take me exceedingly early to the airport, so I must get back to packing. I haven’t been in Massachusetts since Camp Ramah in 1984. Almost time to go!